Thursday, August 23, 2012

Need a little favor

Hi, everyone I don't normally ask for anything for myself. However this week has been a real roller coaster ride. Friday morning I have to go in for breast biopsies 2 to be exact and I am getting very nervous as the time gets nearer. If I could ask for some extra prayers from you would be wonderful.
Thanks my friends.


  1. Hi Elaine. I wish you all my best luck for tomorrow. You will be included in my prayers. ((hugs)) :)

  2. Lifting up prayers for your appointment; may God's peace be with you tomorrow. Warm wishes, Heather

  3. Many Hugs and Prayers... Keep us "posted"

  4. I am quietly praying that all goes well for you tomorrow, your heart will be light and that u will cast all your burdens and not feel anxious but a glorious peace. Blessings my dear blog friend.

  5. Sending you lots of hugs, and prayers will be thinking of you tomorrow. just keep thinking positive. xxx

  6. thank you everyone i am home now, the dr thinks there benign but still have to get the official reading, i go back next fri for follow and results. i am abit sore they didn't do the needle biopsy not really sure why, oh well. thanks again so much for all your kind words and prayers.
    thinking positive
